Monday, October 13, 2008

Runescape Prepaid Cards

*"We have just launched a new RuneScape subscription pre-pay card in Target stores throughout the US. The card features exclusive art on the front and comes in two versions: 30 days' subscription and 90 days' subscription.

Once purchased, you can then use the PIN number on the back of these cards to subscribe to RuneScape. You can do this by clicking on ‘Account’ in the website’s navigation, choosing ‘Start/Extend Subscription’, logging in, selecting ‘Subscribe by RuneScape Card’ as your payment method and then accepting the terms and conditions."


* Taken From a free membership: Go to your local target and steal a card :P. J/k Don't do that you will get in trouble!!!! But It's always nice seeing new ways to pay for runescape. This will also bring a bunch of new people to the game. Which will flood the market with low lvl items such as copper/iron. Cow hides. So in a few months expect to see those prices plummet.


Anonymous said...

What local retailers is available for The runescape card?

xxxxx said...

Right now I believe Target is the only one, but I will do some research and find out if any others are holding it.

Anonymous said...

ive found 1 at a superwalmart butt now they dont have em for some reason. so i guess ima have to check a target

Unknown said...

They have them at all Targets and all gamestops according to the Runescape Homepage

Unknown said...

Well 2-eleven also sells them but i've only seen the 30 day ones

Unknown said...

sorry im meant 7-11