Alright Guys,
Heres the deal everyone. It's becoming increasingly apparent that range is a more and more powerful and efficient way to kill, PK, and train. So because of this, as I have done in the past, I'm making a guide to help everyone "Raise the Range"! The following is a combination of simple economics, math, and a sort of "Goal Making" that is important in whatever you do on this game... Let's get started! It's gonna be a long post, so stick with it and it'll benefit you greatly!
For Starters
Lets be honest, theres a MILLION different ways to train range, from iron knives to red chinchompas, theres a bunch of combinations that you can utilize to train this cool stat! Here they are:
The Ways
- The Right Way- This is the best way that accomplishes everything you're aiming for. This can be the fast way, or the cheap way, but it's up to you.
- The Fast Way- Money is not an object, you just want the damn levels NOW.
- The Cheap Way- You're a gyp. You'd rather spend 100 times less cash and take 1000 times longer.
- The Easy Way- AFKing somewhere and just waiting around for the levels to come to you.
Establishing Goals
Basically you need to figure out what your primary goal is. If you want to train range ASAP, drop a buttload of cash and do it. Read no further. But for most of us that aren't made of Phats and 'Old' money, theres two "Slower" ways that are either Long, Boring, and reliant on drops... or the cheap slow ways using crappy gear. Right? Wrong. I introduce to you the "Best Way".
The Best Way
Ideally we all want something that is cheap and affordable, as well as fast, and most times they don't come at the same time. This is where you utilize a slow money-making economical way, combined with the fast ways to train at an accelerate rate while spending very little in the way of money. This applies to all skills as well!
The Best Way To Range
Alright lets start with a simple concept... Everyone loves to make money! What's possibly the best way to make money while ranging? Metal Dragons of course! Here are the common drop tables for Iron and Steel Dragons!:
Draconic Visage: 1/10,000
Dragon Legs/Skirt: 1/250
Draconic Visage: 1/10,000
Dragon Legs/Skirt: 1/500
What That Means
Basically, if you want a visage, kill the Irons. But for our purposes, both a visage AND d-legs will help us along our way.. SO. We want a combination of both. Lets see how we're gonna do it!
The Gear
There ya have it, that's what I'm using, but most of you won't have Armadyl. Heres the goals in how you gear yourself. (The bolts are Addy Diamond (e).):
- Maximize your Range Attack Bonus
- DO NOT USE A DFS- It is -5 Range Attack
- DO NOT USE A FURY- You dont need one, they're both +10 to range, and the glory holds a teleport.
WTF you crazy bastard! Diamond Addy Bolts! Those are Expensive! How will I ever afford it?????
The answer is simple.
The Effectiveness of this style relies heavily on your personal patience, as well as a bit of luck. Basically each trip you take to the dragons will net you a considerable amount of experience, and may appear costly, however EXCLUDING ALL RARE DROPS, the trip will pay for itself. Here's a sample trip I did, including a set of legs and a skirt. Keep in mind I rotate between a steel and an iron every other kill, this keeps up your effective killing time, while at the same time upping your chances for a rare drop by a small margin. Here Goes!
That's the loot after the trip, without selling the rare drops, and I ended up with a total of 1298k Cash, and 750 bolts. That means I broke even and had some spending money! The beauty of this style, is that I actually gained about 150k-200k experience in the time I was down there. Time for the good stuff...
After All That...
You'll be able to buy roughly 1700 chinchompas with all that extra stuff! This means that every 2 dragon drops you get 3400 Chins!. I average about 222k an hour there, heres my invent:
*Note: I forgot to include an Anti-poison.
Compare And Contrast
Heres the Math that even PROVES it to be a better style, using another common method of obtaining cash, with an ideal "Trip":
The Other Way
Runecraft for 3 Hours = 1.5m (Ish) = 1700 Chins --- 0 Range Exp
- After 6 hours you will have enough for a chinchompa trip, which will take 2 hours, averaging about 190k-200k an hour.
Total Process = 3m Cash = 3400 Chins --- 400k Range exp --- 8 Hours = 50k an hour overall
The Runecape Guides Way!
Dragons for 3 hours with 1 DLegs drop = 1.5m cash = 1700 Chins --- 150k Range exp
-After 6 hours with 2 dragon drops (Again ideal) You'll have enough for a chin trip, averaging again 190k-200k an hour.
Total Process = 3m Cash = 3400 Chins = 700k range exp --- 87.5k an hour
Another Alternative place To Chin is At the lvl 104 Mummies in The Chaos Tunnels outside of edge. Here you make about the same experience and you get many rune/ Ancient staff drops.
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